Free Lighter with Any Candle Purchase. While Supplies Last

When it comes to picking the right candle, the single most important thing that people consider remains the scent. But how do you know which one to choose, either for yourself or as a gift for someone else? Here, we take a look at a few things that you should consider when choosing the best candle:

What Is the Best Way to Select a Candle Scent?

While you could go to the store and sniff each candle that they have available, this is certainly not the most effective way to find your favorite scent. What’s more, the candles available in your local mall are not safe to use around birds. 

Step 1: Your Space is Critical

The rooms in your home are all sorts of different shapes and sizes. Finding the right scents that aren’t too overpowering for a given space becomes a critical factor for choosing the perfect scented candle for the room in question. If it’s a smaller room, you want a more subtle scent that won’t completely dominate the space.

Step 2: Find Your Purpose

Not every candle serves the same function. Different scents bring to mind unique feelings within various people. Do you want a scented candle for your work from home space? Pick a scent that establishes an energized atmosphere that promotes a proactive work environment. Each room serves a different function for your life, so each scented candle should work to fit that particular room’s function. 

Step 3: Fight Those Bad Odors

Let’s be honest; most of the time, we get scented candles to cover up certain smells and odors that plague our homes for one reason or another. Finding the perfect scents to cover up these less than desirable smells requires a balance between strong scents to counter the offending odor and still being pleasant enough not to be too distractingly overpowering. 

Step 4: Match the Season

Seasonal scents can help enhance the feelings of nostalgia and set the mood for a given holiday. During the winter months, scents like warm cinnamon, peppermint mocha, and winter pine can help heighten the winter season and bring up different memories associated with this time of year. More spring and summery scents are available as well if you want to begin thinking of warmer times ahead as well. 

Finding the right scent for your home goes beyond sniffing every candle you can get your hands on before making a choice. At Parrot Safe Candles, you can rest assured that whatever scented candle you decide on will both smell fantastic and be 100% safe for your avian friends! Look through our inventory to find your next favorite scent today!